Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Episode 17: Two Nerdy Girls and the Good-bye to Doctor Nine

Welcome to Episode 17 of the podcast. The time has come....and I'm {Rheanna}super sad about it. I feel like a family member has gone on to a better place. And I realize that he has just regenerated into the beloved David Tenant, Doctor Ten, but its just not the same. Its true what they say, "You never forget your first doctor." And I won't ever forget you Doctor Nine.

In this episode we are talking about the Series 1 Finale and the Series 2 Premier in one episode, to help us transition properly.

The Ninth Doctor

Rose's Bad Wolf Speech

Parting of the Ways BBC One Trailer

New Earth BBC One Trailer

Thank you for listening!! Subscribe, rate and review and let us know what you think! Also, come find us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @TwoNerdyGirls and leave us a comment or question.

Two Nerdy Girls plugs

Rheanna - The Crown on Netflix, Gilmore Girls; A Year In The Life is coming
Aubri - Arrow
James - The Flash, Game Theory, The Odd Ones Out, Dantdm - The Diamond Minecart, Steven Universe (not officially promoting this one)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Episode 16 - Two Nerdy Girls and Doctor Strange

Welcome to Episode 16 of the podcast! We are having so much fun and maybe getting better at it...maybe!! On this episode we have our first Special Guest whose been lobbying to be on the show for awhile. So we granted his birthday wish and welcomed James, Aubri's son, onto the podcast.

We went and saw Doctor Strange and it was....well, you have to listen to the podcast to find out what we thought. But fair warning....spoilers!!!! - But all you really need to know is Benedict Cumberbach is adorable!!

We did a little investigating and gave ourselves a history lesson on a Marvel character we didn't know much about. 

If you want to read more about Doctor Strange, check out some cool stuff and also watch Doctor Strange 101 go now to Marvel's website. It's amazing!!

don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!!
visit us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @TwoNerdyGirls 
let us know what you think of the podcast
what should we watch, what should we read, do you agree
with us or not! we want to hear from you!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Episode 15 - The Two Nerdy Girls and Arrow....Again

Today we are chatting all about Seasons 1 and 2 of Arrow! You can go back two episodes to listen to our first podcast about the show, get some comic book background on the character and hear all about how much we love John Barrowman!!

There are, you've been warned!!

Plus, also I (Rheanna) loved this interview with  Stephen Amell and Access Hollywood...

{Via The CW}

Also, check out the two podcasts we mentioned...Quiver and After The Show AfterBuzz

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Episode 14: Doctor Who Recap ~ "Bad Wolf"

Hello listeners!! WE are back after another brief hiatus!! One half of the Two Nerdy Girls moved and life has been a little crazy. But we are finally back and almost done with our Series One recap of Doctor Who. We are on the second to last episode, which is a two-part good-bye to the Ninth Doctor. Yes, that is me (Rheanna) crying. Can you hear me?

So, in this episode we talk all about Bad Wolf, our love for our favorite writer/director duo, and give you a little trivia. It's all building up to the season finale!!

As always, we would love for you to subscribe, rate and review!!
Follow us on facebook, instagram and twitter.
Let us know what you think of the episode!

Next time.........