So after a week of technical difficulties the Two Nerdy Girls are back with another Doctor Who episode discussion! On the podcast today we are talking about The Long Game. And its perfect timing, as Star Trek has opened in theaters and is blowing up!!! And why is it perfect timing? Well Simon Pegg is in this episode of Doctor Who, much to our delight. He's a fantastic actor and his character is absolutely wonderful!!!! So of course I included a special little pic of Simon at Comic Con. Also, watch out because lame-o Adam, the fake companion, is back to obviously ruin everything!
By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America (Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg Uploaded by Dudek1337) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Russel T Davies is back to deliver a superb episode, so sit back and relax and check it out!!
The Doctor, Rose, and Adam arrive on Floor 139 of Satellite 5, a space station orbiting Earth in the year 200,000. The Doctor meets a woman named Cathica, a reporter who tells him that the station is a giant broadcast tower transmitting news across Earth. The Doctor, with Rose, hacks into the computer systems of the station and is detected by the Editor. The Editor allows the Doctor and Rose to travel to Floor 500, with Cathica following soon after.
What's up next for The Two Nerdy Girls? Well, we've got a release date for Gilmore Girls; A Year in the Life on Netflix, so you can be sure we are talking about that, plus more interviews from BronyCon and our first special guest!!!